Port Installed Accessories (PIA) Business Management Portal (BMP) is a full inventory management and forecasting tool that tracks all part number inventory at all nodes within the OEMs supply chain. PIA BMP tool tracks all PIA sales sold as option codes, on wholesale vehicles.
The main business objective of this application is to help OEMs achieve overall sales targets for Port Installed Accessories (PIA). This will be accomplished by ensuring option inventory availability at all times at all ports and the RDC. This system aims to go one step beyond the basic goal by further helping sales of PIA by highlighting opportunities and actionable items for stakeholders.
Business Management Portal is a full inventory management and forecasting tool that tracks all part number inventory at all nodes within the OEM port installed accessories supply chain.
The goal of this tool is
providing report analytics for sales inventory so that the OEM stakeholders can improve their everyday sales tactics.
The main purposes PIA BMP serves are:
Provide live target tracking metrics at both, an overall dollar level as well as a dollar per vehicle metric.